Is CAPTCHA accessible?

The most common types of CAPTCHA are image-based. A random combination of numbers and letters that are twisted out of shape appear on screen, then the user is asked to decipher what these numbers and letters are. Another test is Google’s reCAPTCHA, which asks users to select pictures within a grid that contain a certain object. Audio CAPTCHAs are less common and more difficult; users must listen to a distorted voice and identify the words or numbers being said.
People with disabilities will run into obvious problems with these tests. Those with sight loss or dyslexia won’t be able to complete an image-based CAPTCHA and people with hearing loss won’t be able to complete an audio CAPTCHA. Some users might be both deaf and blind, and so cannot pass either test. Additionally, most CAPTCHAs are presented only in English, which poses problems for anyone who doesn’t understand the language.
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